Why “DIY” is not a good “IDEA”

Some wonderful insight from our friends at Ceremonial Blessings. “Doing it yourself: Sometimes brides and /or their mothers think if they do everything themselves, they will save money. However, that’s often a false assumption and frequently “do it yourself” projects end up costing more in the long run with less than professional results. When you are purchasing material for decorating….vases, floral, fillers, candles, petals, draping,etc., you not only have a lot of expense, but you have all of the work the day or two before the wedding and tearing it all down after. Not to mention what are you going to do with all of it when it’s over? When you “do it yourself”, there are no guarantees that everything will turn out correctly, but with a professional you have less stress and worry that all will be designed, delivered, set up and tore down properly. AND….. all that time to be pampered, which you, mom and favorite girls deserve!!!” We couldn’t agree more!