What makes a wedding memorable?



Although there a million options to this one question, we are going to highlight the top 5!

First of all, we suggest writing your own vows.  Make sure you’ve put enough thought into the music, readings, and vows that will make your wedding ceremony personal.

Second, consider your guests when making your timeline for the evening. Not only are you the Bride and Groom you are also the Host for the evening.

Next, Even if you plan on serving a full dinner at your reception, it’s a good idea to have a few nibbles for your guests to nosh on while they wait for you and your new spouse to make your grand entrance.

Fourth, Don’t wait to long to treat the guest to the amazing cake they have been drooling over since the walked into the reception hall. (that’s just mean!)

Finally, the most memorable weddings have been those with rocking bands!  Nothing better than live music (and an open bar!) to get people moving!  If you have a killer band who can get the crowd moving, then you will have a hit! If the budget doesn’t stretch far enough for the band, then hire a DJ that knows his stuff and can keep the party rocking!

We appreciate couples that look for unique ways to personalize their event, but too different can be a distraction. So make your “different” choices wisely. If you need some suggestions, Tulsa Weddings & Design is only a phone call away.

Embrace today with Life, Love and Style!

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About admin

Tulsa Weddings & Design will help you plan your wedding with attention to detail, flawless precision and assurance of an amazing wedding day. Helping our clients create wedding memories of a lifetime has been my passion for the last nine years. We offer customary services ranging from Full Planning and Design to Wedding Day Management and Coordination at any stage of the planning. Tulsa Weddings & Design can assist you with knowledge of the latest industry trends, plus a great team of experienced, creative and dynamic employees to make your dreams a reality. Sharon Holm, owner, credits her business success to her sensitivity of her client’s needs and her desire to make every event an unforgettable experience. We love what we do and were honored to assist our clients with their special events.

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